Who is Faith in Fabric?

At Faith in Fabric, we believe in the power of praying, close connection to Allah, and Duaa. It all started when a sister found nothing but praying as an escape and to Allah, the al-Fattah* (ٱلْفَتَّاحُ). 

Many times, this sister used to be late on prayers. She needed her praying clothes with her to pray and used it as an excuse to not pray on time while she is outside her house. After grabbing a one-piece praying gown with a bag to carry with her, she decided to start Faith in Fabric with the first product, the Praying Thobe, so all sisters could have on-the-go gowns to pray in. She never missed a prayer after that.  

'Indeed, I am Allah. There is no deity except Me, so worship Me and establish prayer for My remembrance.' [QURAN, 20:14]